Sunday 2 June 2013

Fair Weather (and) Friends

June is being kind so far this year. Today, I spent a lovely day out in Hyde Park for my friend's birthday. The weather was just right - sunny, and around 18'C, which is perfectly warm for me. Get above 20 degrees and I will start to melt!

Not Hyde Park, but my garden,
because I didn't bring a camera.
What sort of blogger am I?!
Since I'd spent all of yesterday cooped up in my room, poring over revision posters and staring longingly out into my garden, I rather dressed up for my London outing today, in one of my lovely new summer dresses and a trusty felt hat. I even wore heels! Well, wedges. And I did have to change into flats to walk on the grass. But A for effort, right? Hehe!

(For the record, I know I'm quite terrible at posing for photos as myself. If I'm in cosplay then I'm fine, which is pretty funny considering most people are more self-conscious in costumes and wigs than a pretty dress. But then I'm odd like that.)

Dress - Rosa Rosa; Hat - Camden market; Socks - Primark; Shoes - Ravel
I adore this dress, it's so cute and easygoing! The wedges were new in a box in my mum's room; she had a big box of shoes she'd ordered that she never got to wear, and I've finally looked through and taken some to wear myself. I tended to avoid it after she died, but now it can be nice to wear something of hers every once in a while.

Cardigan - New Look; Sunglasses - charity shop!
Is it weird that I like the dappled light in this photo? Oh darling garden, how I'll miss you when we move. So many trees and flowers!

And of course I used my new Star Trek bag! I'm really rather in love with it. It'll make a great knitting bag, too, when I can start on my projects again. What I don't love so much is my hair, but I'm finally getting my longed-for pixie cut in three weeks' time. I've been convinced to go rainbow-hued. I'll miss my beloved unnatural redheaded-ness, but it'll be good fun to experiment with different colours.

Hopefully my face wasn't too awkward in these photos. I must invest in a better quality digital camera soon. Have you all been having nice weather where you are, too?

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